Saturday, October 11, 2008

Long ago it was written...

Life is never just ‘one’ to live.

The egg and cocoon had their role to play, for without either, she wouldn’t fly ever. Colours emerged, not her call. Wings aloft, that’s not all. While she enjoyed the flight, the flowers, the spirit, the life, she couldn’t look back. The stages to evolve were too close. The stages bore distance. A distance she loved to travel to soar. A distance she wished she never treaded.

I remember the trip to a zoo, when I was barely two . I wonder if that was the earliest memory. I think my episodic memory is overworked.

Time is a constant. Time is changing. Time - One of those of-the-by-the-for-the creations. What is one minute for the human race? Speed of thought nullifies what time quantifies. I (can) still live one and a half years in the world’s one-minute. Now…What happens to the life I lived in the world’s one and a half years……..???

Three years ago, it ended in the world. But for the mind that defies time as is, there is neither the beginning nor the end.

The egg broke, the cocoon gave way, the wings rose. She flies, she lives. Just that the ‘time’s are different.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Little Prince of middle earth
With a vision more than eyes can see
Brings more to waves than dance and spree

For it's that time of magic's birth
Places to go, spaces to fill

He moves around but can never leave
For this gentle soul with much love

Is guiding us all to our free will..

Love you tons and moons.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


deseeded watermelon....
fine sand....clean hands....
Sanjay Prasaad Nitesh.....
job well done....
sincere carpenter....
meera maid in heaven.....
music well mixed.....
some poetry camera on song...
a talk with leafhands....
just washed feet an inch lower goes heel....
and on...and on...

Friday, March 14, 2008

the one.

THE doctor all of us know

The soil on which the fortunate grow

A proof that covers can be deceptive

The bare truth, the blessed mind

Much of higher showers & all of life’s find.

Straight from God’s own busy hands :-)

Out to heal few and many.

Cannot ever thank her enough

All the words never match her touch

The healer. The teacher. The seeker. My good karma.

Dr. Lakshmi Prasanna.

naked as we came

In the rustling spring

Through the mystic eyes

Over the seas of joy

From the corners to the clouds

It takes me here and there

The magic of music

The magic of Iron and Wine.